The Story Behind Asila

Being of British Moroccan heritage, I've been accustomed to the use of natural products and ingredients in my skincare routine for as long as I can recall. My mother used to treat my hair with a blend of natural oils like olive oil, castor oil, and coconut oil - basically whatever she had in the house. She also applied ground henna to my hair and used ghassoul from the Atlas Mountains for a facial mask. Additionally, she prepared a basic coffee and sugar face scrub. As a child, I didn't quite comprehend why my mother didn't simply buy products from the store, which would have been much more convenient and less "unusual."

Several years later, as I entered adulthood and embarked on my own skincare journey, I experimented with a variety of products and consulted numerous experts in search of the best solutions for my skin. I sought products that could make my skin radiant, youthful, and flawless without the need for additional cosmetics. The ingredients didn't matter as long as they were effective.

It wasn't until one day when I observed my mother and reminisced about those early memories that I realised I was missing something. Her skin remained impeccable, and I aspired to attain similar results in my life. I needed to return to the basics.

In a nutshell, after using my mother's homemade remedies for several years, I noticed a remarkable enhancement in my skin's appearance, and others noticed it too. Finding a natural alternative in the UK was a challenge, so I resolved to create my own skincare products based on my mother's time-tested advice. This inspired me to demonstrate to others the incredible results one can achieve by embracing nature. I began crafting creams for family and friends to gauge their effects on their skin, and the feedback I received thrilled me. The end result was precisely what I had envisioned. Overwhelmed by the positive responses, I decided to share these natural skincare alternatives not only with my close ones but with anyone struggling to find all-natural skincare options.

Why the name Asila? When I searched for a name that would perfectly fit the brand, I couldn't find anything in English that felt right. Being of Moroccan descent, I explored Arabic names instead. I realized that the name needed to be simple and easily pronounceable in any language. In an instant, I knew "Asila" was the one. In Arabic, Asila means "going back to the origin" or "returning to one's roots." To me, it was the perfect name, symbolizing a return to nature, using earth-grown natural ingredients to enhance one's true inner beauty.

I decided that Asila should represent more than just being all-natural and organic. It should be about using unrefined, ethically sourced, cruelty-free, and vegan ingredients and collaborating with suppliers who support sustainable farmers.

My primary mission is to provide you with the highest quality products made from the purest ingredients, so you can always apply them to your skin with confidence, knowing exactly what you're using.



Welcome to our Moroccan Beauty Collection – where the essence of Morocco...